Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fawkes the phoenix bird stand project from Harry Potter

My mom and I go to the thrift store regularily and that is where I find most of my miniature treasures.
Taking the time to go through the kid's toy bags can reap rewards. This is what I found and I was so excited to come home and modify it to make a stand for this bird. I think it is a beauty and the beast toy set.


Cutting down a butter container for the bird pan.

Using gorilla super glue is good with plastic.

Painting with a metallic paint to make it all come together.

The bar is a simple dowel and 2 beads

Wood glue works well.

Painting it the same metallic paint.

Here it is all put together. It does work well and I am pleased with the result.

Although Fawkes does look a little big on his stand, I'm happy with this project.

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