Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Miniature leather chair for the Gryffindor common room Harry Potter

This is a short blog as I didn't take many photos. This leather chair gave me some grief because I had a hard time finding the right colour of leather or faux leather. The actual pattern was easy to make.

Foam board is glued together with Weldbond to form the chair.

At the local Fabricland, there was some faux leather that was close to what I needed. It was harder to glue as it was quite thick and slick on the underside. Pinning it really helped.

So far, it looks good. Wish I could have double pins on it like the original chair, however, when making miniatures, you sometimes can't fit all the details in.

The sides and back were easy to put on. The edge of the material however is lighter than the faux leather, and a brown marker helps to blend it.

The seat is made and it looks good.

Fat wooden beads are nailed onto the bottom to make short legs for the chair. To get the height right and have the legs look the right size, I sanded the ends of the beads a little. Nails and glue were used to attach to the chair. Nails work well as the head of the nail holds the bead.

I will probably paint the legs as my wooden beads were different colours.

The chair in it's final spot in the common room, with a pillow.

This was the easiest chair I've ever made. In the future, I may make another with real leather if I can find some brown leather gloves at the thrift store. Glove leather is very thin. Hope you're having a great day and keep on creating!

Here is a short picture video.

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