Saturday, May 30, 2020

Dollhouse miniature Gryffindor Common room dresser project Harry Potter

This dresser was daunting as it is featured in almost all the movies. Plus, it isn't something you can just buy. Add in all the decisions to be made. The furniture should look authentic, so using stain and varnish is better, in my opinion, than paint. This however, means it takes longer to allow it to dry between coats. Usually, multiple pieces are made before I get the final piece that will go in my miniature setting.
First, start with a cardstock template using my silhouette cameo.

Then, my wood stash is raided, and those pieces of wood are used to modify the pattern, depending on it's thickness. Starting with the back, this is the piece that will be used to glue all the rest of the pieces on, and is the exact size of the dresser.

The sides of the dresser are cut. My stash had an old balsa wood airplane kit, and this wood is so easy to cut with a box cutter! This piece will be the bottom of the dresser, where no one will see the printed part.

Glueing sides, drawer, and bottom on the base

Cutting the front in balsa wood. Originally, the idea was to have the doors on hinges and for the doors to open. At the end, the decision was made to glue the doors down. So I didn't really have to make these holes!

Glueing this to the front.

Glueing the top on

With the doors, cereal box card is used and cut with the silhouette. All the layers are glued.

Final door fit.

The first prototype is painted with acrylic paint.

Glueing hinges. With my silhouette, little recesses are cut out to reduce the bulk and have the hinge fit inside the door.

The second dresser I make, stain is used. The varnish was satin finish. Then I go in my marker bin and find the perfect marker to match the stain.  The problem is this - I did 2 layers of the marker and it got too dark, hense it doesn't match properly. Sigh.

The door handles are plain, and easy, since I have just the thing from a dollar store dresser. I soaked them with a little alcohol to loosen the glue, and gently pry them out of their holes. lightly stained and shortened, they are then glued on the doors.

Placing it in it's home in the common room is very satisfying!

Can't wait to make the armadillo to put on the top of the dresser!

Please enjoy this picture video I made!

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