Friday, May 6, 2022

Miniature knitted scarves for Harry Potter

 Here is an easy dollhouse miniature to do if you know how to knit. Using the smallest knitting needles I have and DMC cording, I can make these awesome scarves that are in the Harry Potter films, in tiny form.

Here are some materials on hand.

 First step is to cast on 14 sts. 

Working in garter stitch, work 7 rows of the first colour.

tie the second coloured cording and garter stitch for 8 rows, carrying the first cording along the side of the scarf.

Continue until you have 12 blocks. On the 13th block, cast off after 7 rows.

Using matching thread, fold scarf inside out and sew along the lengthwise seam. 

To turn scarf right side out, simply tie a spare bit of cording to the end of scarf, attach a safety pin, and pull through the scarf.

Tassels can be made for the ends if you are really ambicious.

Dollhouse miniature lamp #1 for the Gryffindor common room

 I thought I would tackle making the lamps in the common room. Although these lamps aren't ones that could be bought, they can be made with lamp parts and items from home. 

#1 Is the most intricate lamp. Here is a studio tour photo of the common room lamp. The part coming off the column will be tricky to attach.

Here is what I came up with: Using parts from this purchased lamp is the start.

Thankfully I had a lampshade the right shape.

These metal beads will be put on the column to make it thicker, and the little red bead will be part of the base.

Trying to come up with a lamp shade was difficult until I was trying to hang something on my window and the light bulb went off in my head.

 Here is the progress so far

Cutting the wire off from the original lamp.

Adding various beads to the base of the lamp

The side arm attachment parts were found in my jewelry, junk drawer, a washer from my toolbox, and the base of a miniature lamp that had been cut off to make the chandelier for the common room.

All glued together with E6000.

Here's a photo of all the parts just to make this one lamp!

I even used a wooden bead (red) and sanded the inside with a bead reamer that I got at Michaels, so it would fit on the column and form part of the base.

The arm attachment was a piece of wire that is easily bent, but glue just won't hold it. Thankfully, I know someone that might be able to soldier it.

First step to assembly. Sliding the reamed bead down the column.

Sliding the metal long beads down the column to make it thicker.

A friend hacked off the little stem of the lamp

This little coin will be glued to the bottom

Unfortuneately this is all I have for this lamp. My friend was kind enough to solder it together, but then her husband cleaned up the workshop, so alas it is lost. I am heartbroken. I will try my best to find these parts or maybe I will have to substitute and make some out of clay.