Saturday, September 14, 2019

Clay pot painting turns into unique potted crochet Pokemon creature plants!

Trying to use up some old yarn scraps and make something for charity, I decided to make some crocheted cute Kawaai cacti. Then I thought of putting them in a clay pot. Plain terra cotta just doesn't cut it. Having a painting day with a friend, I painted a clay pot with bright yellow, and one with green. As I was doing this, she said to me, "this could be Pikachu" So I say, what would I put in the pot? She says, maybe a Poke ball. Hmmm. And the green one could be Bulbasaur! And I could put a bulb in the pot! I convinced my friend to draw/paint the faces for me, and voila! The patterns I used were modified from GundamGirlWing's Blog.

So, why not make the other evolutions of Bulbasaur? Back to the dollar store to get more pots!



So although I'm not crazy about the results of these next two, they were the start of this project.
Pikachu and Charmander

AND OH where are the cacti that started it all?
These are my charity items.

crochet baby dragon

One of my work friends was saying how much she liked this baby dragon head that is sold with yarn to make a child's hat with. I waited for it to go on sale and made her this cute baby dragon. This pattern was found online, and was modified to fit the size of the head. This really helped me gain confidence to try crocheting more things.