Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Cross stitch projects

Here are a few of my cross stitch projects I have completed over the years. Although I haven't done any cross stitch in recent years (too busy working and scrapbooking), I am still proud of all the projects that I have completed. Yes, I did just say completed - in the past some of my projects did get done!  I have done 2 baby bear announcements, which took a lot of time to complete. I started cross stitching when I was a
little girl, and did this past time as a teen and in my  20's quite a bit. This hobby is relaxing and doesn't cost too much. When I got out of hospital after a surgery in 2010, and was to stay at home for 3 months it was a life saver. I don't really like to be idle, and hate not working, so cross stitch kept me busy. Stay tuned for more photos, I will add them at a later date.

This following cross stitch is a castle that I made with more towers as the pattern I had made the castle look like a wee tiny castle. One of the thrift shops I frequent had this lovely coloured aida cloth, and I think I will start using this kind of aida cloth more often! Metallic thread was used to make the spires pop a bit more. Wish I had used metallic thread for the windows lights.

This next one I made in high school for a mother's day gift.

This cross stitch is in memory of my cat Abbey, who was very sick and slept ALOT. She had the best personality. Her tail was very fluffy.

This was a cross stitch for my Grandmother. Her first initial is B, which is in the middle of the flower motif.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Fossil collection

Fossils are fascinating and I thought it might be  good idea to photograph my humble collection. Although this is a small collection, it is quite satisfying to have and look at from time to time. As the outside elements are horrible (aka allergy season) , it's a good time to blog it. There is something that is dare I say fun about organizing and classifying. Also thinking about some shadow boxes I have that could be used for hanging up and displaying some of them. As of now they are mostly sitting in a box. 💤😪  Fossils that I would like to add to my collection: more plant fossils, gastropods (snails), crinoid, corals, stromatolite, (ancient algae), trace fossils and it would be great to have an amber fossil. It would be nice to have a fossil for each period.
1 Precambrian Age - algae

2 Paleozoic Era - Cambrian period -                                                  algae,trilobites

           Ordovician period - cephalopods, coral,                                                   crinoid stem pieces

               Siliurian period - calapoecia coral

                Devonian period - cephalopod,                                                           ammonites

                     Mississippian period - crinoid, horn                       coral, bryozoan  coral 

                      Pennsylvanian period - fern 

                    Permian period - (nothing yet)
3 Mesozoic Era - Triassic period - brachiopods,
                                                       petrified wood

                    Jurrassic period - star crinoid stem, dinosaur
                          bone, brachiopods

                       Cretaceous period - pelecypods,                             gastropods, ammonites

4 Cenozoic Era - Tertiary period - shark tooth
                            petrified wood, parrot fish
                            mouth plate, whole fish, leaves

                         Quaternary period - Nothing

Undated and/or unidentified fossils:

This fossil was found in Eganville Ontario
Most likely a cephalopod , from the Ordovician period
A coprolite unknown origins

and a fossil tooth unknown origins
Hope you enjoyed!