Friday, September 16, 2022

Dollhouse miniature doughnuts in box

 I was lucky to attend a minisgathering this year and one fun aspect is making minis to swap. We were to make 10 items, and in return, get 10 differnt items back. I just love the surprises! Our theme this year was Italy. So with a little research, I decided on some Italian doughnuts in a box with a window.

Starting with bakeable clay, 2 parts white, one part yellow, one part translucent. knead and mix together. Add more of any colour clay if needed. 

Using a small container to measure the doughnut pieces so they are uniform in size.

Using a stylis to make the doughnut hole.

Texturizing the doughnut with a toothbrush.

Using chalk pastels and makeup powder to add to the doughnut,

I find it useful to make an experiment board. Here I am testing which glue will work best.

 Later I will use the doughnuts to test which ingredients will look the best as fine sugar coating.

Using the silhouette cameo, I am sizing and refining the boxes.

The best glue to adhere the "sugar" to the doughnut.

Sprinkling on the glitter and embossing powder that will look like fine sugar.

Glueing the acetate to the box to make a window.

Folding and glueing the sides of  the box. clamps are used until the glue holds.

Glueing the doughnuts to the box.

Here are a few more doughnuts I made to sell.

Plain doughnuts I will put glaze on top (liquid sculpy with white chalk powder)

Boston cream made with liquid sculpey and dark brown chalk pastel powder. It came out just shiny enough to look realistic.

I also made doughnuts with microbeads on top for  multicolored sprinkles on top.They turned out well. The apple fritters did not. For some reason they came out of the oven with a little bit of a green tinge. Will have to paint with acrylic paint some other day. 
Have a great day!

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